jennifer whitehead

In your life, where have you seen hope emerge from difficulty?

There are so many! The first two life moments that come to mind are being a single mom, raising Logan alone, and praying daily that God would sen the perfect daddy for Logan. Then on Dec 31, 2013, He did!

The second is when I had a complete Molar pregnancy and miscarriage. I thought that was it. I had accepted that we would have two kids. Then BOOM, I was surprise with another precious baby boy!

How has God used specific people to bring you to this point in your faith journey? 

Have any of these people been unexpected?

Even though I had prayed for a husband and father for Logan, I never really expected much. God brought Seth into my life. I do not believe he will fully know how much I love him and how I value what he has done for me. Through my husband, I finally, tangibly see and feel how God loves me. He loves me big!

What has “All My Hope” revealed to you about the nature of church family? How has this challenged some of the “typical” ways we view church community?

"All My Hope" has give me reason to stop and want to get to know people on a deeper, more personal level. I know everyone has a story but we are all so busy to really listen to everyone's story. We can learn so much from the people in our lives. We can learn from their joys, struggles, grief. Even if a particular testimony doesn't touch or resonate with us know doesn't mean it might not later. God wanted us to be in community with one another, learn, & love one another.

In the film, Ms. Warren says, "I'm just glad to be in a place where I can see the hand of God moving. That's exciting to me.” FROM YOUR POINT OF VIEW, how do you see the hand of God moving in our church family and in our community?

I can see us stopping, stripping away walls and uncomfortable boundaries to deal with one another. If we see one another as the Lord does then we can listen, learn, & love on each other. This is so important especially now. God will bring His body of believers together. I am so ready for us to stand together. I am so thankful for our church family!